Interview with Albino Galuppini – AwE130

The writer of the Bill Kaysing biography. In 2015 AwE130 interviewed Albino Galuppini, writer of the biography of Bill Kaysing. The book, originally written in Italian, records the life and adventures of Bill Kaysing and is titled “La Penna PiĆ¹ Veloce Del West”, which translates as “The Fastest Pen Of The West”. The life of Bill Kaysing marked the beginning of a journey that has never ended. A life full of action, adventure and of course the fake Apollo moon landings. August 2015, an AwE130 interview with Albino Galuppini, writer of the Bill Kaysing biography: “The Fastest Pen Of The West”. The Fastest Pen of the West [Part Two]: Biography of Bill Kaysing - Galuppini, Albino - Libri