Over a half of all Russians believe that US astronauts have never been on the Moon and that the US authorities and NASA covered up this fact by forging proof of moon landings, a new poll shows.
In the recent survey titled “Science and society: authority and trust” experts of the Russian state-run public opinion research center VTSIOM wrote that 57 percent of Russians currently think that the US claims of successful manned Moon missions are lies and that the documented proof of these missions was forged. Only 24 percent of respondents said that they believed that the manned Moon missions were real.
Researchers also specified that 65 percent of those who think that the US authorities are lying about the moon landings have secondary education.
However, Russians are not only suspicious about the NASA moon missions. 59 percent of the poll participants share the opinion that “scientists conceal the truth from common people.” Even among Russians with higher education the proportion was extremely high – at 45 percent.
When facing the question if the scientists possessed some “objective knowledge” about the reality the Russian public again split into almost equal parts: 42 percent agreed that this was true while 41 percent said that in their opinion the scientists who claimed this weren’t telling the truth, albeit in good faith.
In the same poll, three percent of Russians said that they personally supported the flat Earth theory. 93 percent said that they shared the traditional opinion of Earth being a ball-shaped planet and four percent found it too difficult to answer the question.
As far as space aliens are concerned, 45 percent of the poll participants said that they believed in the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and 42 percent think that aliens either don’t exist or for some reason prefer not to visit Earth and contact humans. 18 percent of respondents said that in their opinion the authorities were hiding proof of alien visits from the general public.
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A part of an interview with the former astronaut Buzz Aldrin in which this eight-year-old girl named Zoe asks uncomfortable questions … I think Buzz just couldn’t look that little girl in the face and lie to her.
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
Abraham Lincoln
In America, 21 million people believe that the moon landings were faked – despite pictures from Earth-bound telescopes clearly showing flags left by the Apollo missions.
Moon hoax conspiracy theories are often the ‘entry level’ conspiracy which guides people to the really weird ‘hard stuff’ like believing the Earth is flat.
But where did the idea come from?
Was it all faked? (Picture Getty)
We can blame one rocket expert, Bill Kaysing, a technical writer who self-published a book called ‘We Never Went to the Moon: America’s Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle.’
Many of the supposed ‘giveaways’ still touted by moon truthers today come from Kaysing’s book, according to author C Stuart Hardwick, writing on Quora.
Hardwick says, ‘The first person to give real voice to moon hoax conspira-nonesense was Bill Kaysing, a technical writer who had worked for Rocketdyne until 1963.
‘Why? It’s unclear. He was not obviously insane, but he was obviously unqualified to express the opinions he was expressing. My guess is, technical writing with objective criteria didn’t suit him, and pretending expertise to a bunch of ignorant sycophants fuelled his ego.
Much of the book centred on the rockets used in the launch (Getty)
Kaysing misused his ‘expertise’ as a technical writer to create the impression the missions were faked, Hardwick says – but ignored any facts that got in the way.
Hardwick says, ‘He made a large number of idiotic claims that in fact only demonstrated his ignorance and paranoia.
No, it wasn’t faked (Getty)
‘For example, he claimed (without evidence) that the mighty F1 engine was wholly unreliable and so NASA was forced to cover that up by welding clusters of proven B-1 engines inside the F1 engine bell in order to simulate a lunar mission by launching a (presumably mostly empty) Saturn V that could never leave orbit.
‘The F1 engines from some of the missions he was talking about (including Apollo 11) have been recovered from the sea floor, and are clearly unmodified F1 engines.’
SAN DIEGO. California, with its attractive cities such as San Francisco and Hollywood, plentiful parklands, expansive Pacific Ocean and desirable year-round climate — can mesmerize vacationers and snowbirds alike. Wishing to escape harsh weather conditions or simply seeking a change of pace, the Golden State soon becomes a serious consideration for many who are desiring to relocate.
California dreaming? Not so much if you consider the state’s ginormous housing shortage. That shortage is so bad in California that it is creating a state of crisis.
But what is oftentimes overlooked by California dreamers is the state’s high cost of living. Overlooked as well: the high prices for housing and apartment rentals, some of the highest in the nation.
California wannabes might be determined to find a way to live the California lifestyle. But they are very possibly ignoring the underlying facts influencing what it might cost them to qualify to buy or to rent
For those who currently own a home, the increase in housing values is highly desirable. But for first-time home buyers, however, the California real estate market makes it nearly impossible for many to afford a home. Only around 29 percent of Californians today can afford a median priced home of about $518,500.00.
Qualifying for a median priced home requires a total household annual income of $81,690.00. The estimated monthly loan payment is $2,720.00 (depending upon loan terms, down payment and the effective interest rate), according to the California Realtors Association.
In 2017, California Housing and Community Development Department estimated 3.5 million new homes would be needed to meet population growth.
The California Housing and Community Development Department estimates that the state needs 180,000 new homes each year to keep pace with housing demand. It follows that California should be a builder’s paradise. With millions of new homes needed over the next 20 years, the building industry could also be a positive source for creating new jobs.
However, the supply of new housing is falling dangerously short. The reasons for this are many.
For example, in 2017, approximately 110,000-115,000 building permits were requested or granted permitting the building of new California homes, according to the Construction Industry Research Board. However, estimates report approximately 70,000 fewer homes get built each year than are actually needed.
An a recent interview with a member of the California Building Industry Association, revealed a surprising multitude of barriers which prevent building badly needed new homes in California. This is especially true for those within a range of affordability.
California’s current list of regulatory barriers and cost-drivers includes
Slow permit processing
California Environmental Quality Act
Law suits from private citizens
Lumber shortages creating increasing costs
Rising materials costs
Increasing labor costs
Use of DMSO in medicine dates back decades. It was predominantly used as a topical anagesic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Today, we know that DMSO can treat a variety of disorders including arthritis, mental illness, emphysema, and even cancer.While this is now considered a superb cancer treatment, orthodox medicine is not interested in discussing its benefits. If DMSO were to be implemented and used in cancer treatment, the “true cure rate” for orthodox medicine would rise from 3% to above 90%! Here’s why.
Supporters of DMSO have long supported the claim that it can cause cancerous cells to become noncancerous, or benign, and can slow or stop the progress of cancer in the bladder, colon, ovary, breast, and skin. Some evidence even suggests it is useful in treating leukemia, and it has also been used as a part of some metabolic cancer therapies.
DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) was first discovered in the mid- to late nineteenth century. In the 1950s, it was discovered that DMSO could protect cells from the damage of freezing. In the 1960s, Dr. Stanley Jacob, one of the main proponents of DMSO, began to study other medicinal properties of the substance. In the 1970s, DMSO was approved for use as an anti-inflammatory treatment in dogs and horses and as a prescription drug for a type of bladder inflammation in humans.
If orthodox medicine were truly interested in curing cancer, don’t you think they would look for a way to target cancer cells with the intent of killing them while sparing normal cells?
Chemotherapy does not target cancer cells, and because of this, chemotherapy:
1) Kills far more normal cells than cancer cells, and
2) Damages and toxifies many of the normal cells that do survive.
If a “magic bullet” were usedFIRSTby orthodox medicine, meaning thecut/burn/slash/poison treatments were avoided, a 90% true cure rate would be easy to achieve. But the fact of the matter is that the leaders in the medical community have absolutely no interest in finding a “magic bullet.” A “magic bullet” would cost the drug companies hundreds of billions of dollars, patients would have less hospitalization, less doctor visits, etc. The fact is,no onewants a “magic bullet” to be found. The evidence that this is true is that two “magic bullets” are already known to exist, but no one is using them except for a handful of doctors.
What Causes Cancer?
Most people believe that it is DNA damage that causes cancer. While in rare situations, DNA can have a negative affect on a person’s immune system, DNA normally has absolutely nothing to do with the development of cancer.
The fact is that cancer is caused by a special type of microbe which gets inside of normal cells and turns the cells cancerous.
Cancer is an invading disease that attacks the body’s immune system. Once detected, cancer has already had enough time to establish its web network. Treating the tumor is not good enough–it is only the start.
Actually, everyone has cancer cells forming in their body at all times. The immune system generally safely kills them. However, this means that a weakened immune system, and many other things, can allow cancer cells to overcome the immune system. But the actual formation of cancer cells is exclusively caused by microbes which get inside of normal cells.
Dr. Royal Rife did an enormous amount of research into the relationship between microbes and cancer in the 1930s. He would inject mice with a virus and in 100% of the cases the mice would get cancer.
Dr. Rife proposed a cure for cancer which did nothing but kill the viruses/microbes which wereinsideof the cancer cells. His cure was 100% successful. However, note thathis cure had no intention of killing cancer cells or fixing DNA (which had not been discovered in the 1930s); its only goal was to kill microbes which were both inside and outside of the cancer cells.Once the microbes were dead the cancer cells were able to revert back into normal, differentiated cells.
Dr. Rife was well aware that the critial microbes which needed to be killed were inside the cancer cells. The electromedicine device he used killed microbes inside and outside of cancer cells.
But almost all natural substances do not normally get inside of cells, thus it is almost impossible for natural substances to kill the microbes inside the cancer cells. Natural substances can kill cancer cells and build the immune system, but they generally cannot kill microbes inside the cancer cells.
There is no single cure for treating cancer; cancer must be approached and treated holistically. The cellular process in developing cancer takes many years–with the exception of high radiation or other toxic exposure, a compromised immunity and cell damage does not happen overnight. Treatment must be approached defensively and directly; focus on the cause and do not treat cancer in reverse. Target your treatment mentally and physically from the very origin. For the rest of this excellent post on DMSO please use this direct link: http://www.healthfreedoms.org/dmso-and-vitamin-c-the-magic-duo-for-cancer-treatment-that-frightens-the-fda/
By: Emma Wheeler
VALDOSTA, Ga. (WCTV) — Fruits and vegetables are growing tall at the Southside Community Garden and allowing community members to grow together.
The garden was started by Living Bridges Ministry. From the dirt to the plate, Valdosta families are able to try out their green thumbs.
“Anything you can harvest out of a garden is certainly fresher and a little healthier,” said Living Bridges Ministry Founder Darcy Gunter. “It’s a good family project as well. Every time the kids come out we try to get them involved, get them something to do, they can water, they can plant and harvest some of the things.”
The project is free and open for anyone to participate. Families can help out with the gardening and can then take home the harvest.
Tangilar and Myracle McLowery said they enjoy coming out and volunteering with the garden.
“I just thought it would be a learning experience for both of us. We’re learning but we’re also bonding, doing things together, family time,” McLowery said. “We love to do community things. This is a better way to get to know your community.”
The garden provides lessons for all ages, filling both plates and souls.
“If we can educate them further on what to do with it, they’ll be eating better in the long run,” Gunter said.
This is the first summer the garden is open. Organizers hope to eventually open up a produce stand to help create jobs, as well as healthy foods.
The group meets on Thursday mornings. (Source. http://www.wctv.tv/content/news/Valdosta-garden-brings-healthy-food-to-local-families-487614901.html )
Astronauts who travel to space do so in less than comfortable environments. Spacecrafts are cramped and tiny to ensure they’re as light as possible. Not exactly the makings of a vacation home, and yet that’s exactly the route Kurt Hughes took when designing his own getaway in central Washington.
The naval architect built a tiny vacation home that looks just like a lunar lander. The hexagon-shaped structure is modeled after the lander that astronauts piloted during the Apollo 11 landing. The 250-square-foot home weighs 3,000 pounds and sits on three steel beams that elevate it over the grassy landscape.
Hughes designed the lander with plenty of nooks and lookout opportunities to take in the view. A ladder leads up into the space, which includes a compact kitchen, breakfast nook, a bathroom, and sleeping space for two.