How to grow food in an apartment or condo

(Taylor Logan/CBC)

A few months ago, my roommate Alex and I had a revelation. As we were hauling overfilled bags of trash down the hall to the disposal for the third time that week, it hit us: How were four people producing this much garbage?
Our three-bedroom apartment west of Toronto had no compost bin. Our kitchen blue bins were often overflowing with recycling, but it made little difference to the amount of trash. Single-use plastic made up a large part of our weekly garbage run and a lot of it came from packaging for produce. We decided to begin growing our own food.
Most people think that cultivating a garden in an apartment is impossible, especially being eight floors up. Some buildings have strict rules — ours says you can’t hang things off the balcony. But finding workarounds was one of the easiest things I’ve ever done.
We started by creating our own vermicompost bin, which uses worms to compost food scraps. But we quickly realized how much fertilizer the worms were producing. We considered dumping it in a local forest or the flower beds outside our apartment, but decided instead to create a garden of our own.
We ran out to the store the next day, filling our cart with seeds, small compostable pots and a shovel. We began with 10 seed-filled pots sitting on our kitchen windowsill, which we watered every day with a spray bottle. We killed four within the week, but we replanted and adjusted. From over-watering to too much sun, we had to watch our emerging plants like hawks.
Within three weeks, we had 10 little seedlings, including lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, snap peas, mint, basil, a dwarf sunflower … as well as catnip for our feline friend, Dave.
Never having had much of a green thumb, my roommate and I had plenty of pots from previously owned (and accidentally killed) house plants. This proved beneficial around three weeks later. The plants had become too big and needed to be transferred to new homes.
Soon, we were obsessed. With the leftover pots, we planted more. Some wildflowers for the bees, another sunflower. We even started to plant and regrow the vegetables we were buying from the store.
We moved the plants outdoors the weekend after Victoria Day, putting them in metal and compostable planters hanging on the inside of our balcony. A few weeks later, we bought a wooden ladder and hung pots from it for the flowers. Thirteen weeks after we first had the idea, our once-empty balcony was filled with blooming life.
Soon, the benefits of our garden will be reaped and we will have delicious, fresh food — with no waste in sight.
An apartment garden cheat sheet:
Use the space to your advantage. If you have a balcony, hang planters. If you have a large enough windowsill, keep your plants there. Consider vertical planters to conserve space. Be creative.
If you don’t have enough lighting or lack a balcony, consider using grow lights for minigreenhouses.
If you lack the funds for such equipment, grow veggies that thrive in shady areas (e.g. lettuce, carrots, garlic, potatoes).
For overly sunny apartments, grow tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, beans and corn.
Watch how your plants grow. If they’re wilting, water them. If they start to lose their colour, give them more light. To grow a successful garden, you have to pay attention to what your plants are saying to you.  (source: )

Operation Avalanche (2016 Movie) – Official Trailer

In 1967, during the height of the Cold War, two young CIA agents (Matt Johnson and Owen Williams) go undercover at NASA to investigate a possible Russian mole. In disguise as documentary filmmakers, they tap phones and break into offices while purporting to learn more about the Apollo project. But when they end up uncovering a shocking NASA secret — and a major government cover-up — they decide to embark on a new mission that may put their own lives at risk.

Apollo Zero – Full Moon Landing Documentary

Apollo Zero discusses issues related to NASA and its landing on the Moon. Various points are made to get to the truth and to question the arguments given by NASA in support of the expedition to Moon. Till today only three countries, US, China and Russia have succeeded in putting a man merely in Earth’s orbit. This suggests the difficulty of the task. The next point to ponder over is that the distance between moon and the earth is 240,000 miles. No country post the supposed landing on the moon ever claims to have gone more than 400 miles from Earth. The International Space Station orbits at 200 miles above Earth. It is clear that there exist a big difference between 240,000 miles and 400 miles. What one wonders why is it very difficult to cover more than 400 miles from Earth today when we had supposedly accomplished a 480,000 mile round trip in 1969. NASA further asserts that three men were loaded into a rocket, flew 240,000 miles to the moon and then achieved lunar orbit. They say the two astronauts flew 60 miles to the surface of the moon, in a vacuum and 1/6 Earth gravity. They stayed on the moon for up to three days in 250 degree heat and played golf as well. The answer provided to the important question of how they managed to stay in an unfriendly atmosphere for so long, they reply with the assistance of batteries. They then supposedly blasted off the surface of the moon and returned 240,000 miles back to Earth. They re-entered Earth’s atmosphere going 25,000 mph, and managed a safe landing with the aid of parachutes.

11+ Events to Celebrate the Apollo 11 50th Anniversary This Summer

Apollo 50th Celebration Hero

In Space on Earth by Space Tourism Guide7 Comments

In July 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first two people to step foot on the moon. Now, 50 years on, it’s amazing how far the space program has come – and how far we have left to go. To mark the occasion, there are a variety of commemorative Apollo 11 events around the country. These “Apollo 50th” Anniversary events are happening at some of the best space museums and NASA facilities and are open to all ages!

Note: We’ve gotten emails about lots of new Apollo 11 Anniversary Events, and many of them are listed in the comments. Be sure to read the comments to see those events too!

Apollo 11 Mission Timeline

Before we launch into the list of events, it’s helpful to know the exact timeline of the Apollo 11 mission. Most of the Apollo 50th Celebrations happen on the anniversary of these dates:

  • July 16, 1969Liftoff from Kennedy Space Center. Three astronauts (Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins) set out on the three-day journey to the moon.
  • July 20, 1969Lunar Landing. After several maneuvers, astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin take the Lunar Module to the Moon.
  • July 21, 1969First Man on the Moon. After a few hours of rest, Armstrong and Aldrin begin a multi-hour EVA on the surface of the moon.
  • July 24, 1969Splashdown. Armstrong and Aldrin launch from the surface of the moon, rejoin Collins aboard the Apollo 11 spacecraft and make their journey home. The crew splashes down just over 8 days after they left earth.

Keeping those dates in mind, let’s dive into the list of Apollo 50th Anniversary celebrations around the country!

Table of Contents

Apollo XI 50th Anniversary Gala – Simi Valley, California

Apollo XI Gala

Photo credit:

  • Where: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
  • When: July 13, 2019
  • Website: link
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There’s only one event where you can celebrate with an astronaut who was actually on the Moon for the whole thing! Buzz Aldrin is holding a special 50th Anniversary Gala in southern California, and it’s one of the first events to kick off a two-week window of festivities around the country.

Aldrin’s gala tickets aren’t cheap: the lowest tier starts at $1,000 per person but includes a meet-and-greet, photo of you with the Apollo 11 astronaut himself, a multi-course meal, and auction. The proceeds of the event will support Aldrin’s nonprofit, Human SpaceFlight Institute which focuses on utilizing a collaborative approach to advancing human spaceflight beyond low Earth orbit. So it’s for a good cause and an Apollo 11 enthusiast’s dream opportunity to meet Buzz Aldrin!

Apollo 50th Anniversary Celebration Events – Huntsville, Alabama

Huntsville Apollo50 banner

Photo credit: U.S. Space & Rocket Center

  • Where: U.S. Space & Rocket Center
  • When: July 13-20, 2019
  • Website: link

If you’re looking for a week of festivities, look no further than Huntsville, aka Rocket City! From July 13th to 20th, there’s a full schedule of events, including a car show, a celebration dinner, and the Rocket City Summer Fest (a moon landing concert). Oh, and bring your model rockets: on July 16th, Rocket City will attempt to set a Guinness World Record by launching 5,000 model rockets simultaneously (part of Global Launch Day!).

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Apollopalooza – Denver, Colorado

Apollopalooza Banner

Photo credit: Wings Over the Rockies

  • Where: Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum
  • When: July 13-20, 2019
  • Website: link

For an entire week surrounding the Apollo 11 mission, Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum is hosting a variety of events, lectures, seminars, and other space-y activities. You can hear from Apollo 17 astronaut Dr. Harrison “Jack” Schmitt, who was one of the last men to walk on the moon, or meet with folks from Spaceport America to hear about the future of space travel. If you’re in the Denver area, this is the place to be to mark the Apollo anniversary!

Apollo 50th Gala – Merritt Island, Florida

Apollo 50th Gala Banner

Photo credit: Kennedy Space Center

  • Where: Kennedy Space Center
  • When: July 16, 2019
  • Website: link

Kennedy Space Center is understandably one of the epicenters for Apollo 11 50th Anniversary celebrations. After all, this is where liftoff took place on July 16, 1969!

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To mark the occasion, KSC is hosting a 500-guest gala at the Apollo Saturn V Center. Your fellow guests will include Apollo, Shuttle, and ISS astronauts, flight directors and space legends, Apollo families, NASA executives, celebrities and global movers and shakers, international media, space collectors and educators. The best part? The dress code is “Golden Galactic” (black tie with a twist!). Oh, there’s also an after party and brunch the next morning for certain ticket tiers.

Apollo 50 – Washington, D.C.

Apollo50 Smithsonian Banner

Photo credit: National Air & Space Museum

  • Where: National Air & Space Museum
  • When: July 16-20, 2019
  • Website: link

If you’ll be in the nation’s capital for the Apollo 50th Anniversary, head to the National Mall! There, based around the National Air & Space Museum, there’s a series of fun events for all ages. On July 16th, Neil Armstrong’s suit will be put on display for the first time in over a decade. On July 20th, stay late at the museum to celebrate the exact moment the first steps were taken on the Moon with an evening of activities until 2:00am! And in between, from July 16th to 20th, there will be other events along the mall, too. Your calendar can be as full as you want it to be!

Apollo 50th Anniversary Events – Houston, Texas


Photo credit: Houston Museum of Natural Science

  • Where: Space Center Houston
  • When: July 16-20, 2019
  • Website: link
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Houston, like Huntsville, is the other epicenter of Apollo 50th celebrations. In addition to celebrating Space City Month all July, there are hotel and restaurant specials all over town, especially during the week of the Apollo mission. From a Lunar Landing Party to outer space trivia nights, local businesses are getting into the spirit. Space Center Houston will have pop-up science labs, briefings about the Apollo 11 mission, and a special tram experience at nearby Johnson Space Center.

(STG Founder Valerie will be in Houston all week for the Apollo 11th celebrations!)

Summer Moon Festival – Wapakoneta, Ohio

Summer Moon Festival

  • Where: Armstrong Air & Space Museum
  • When: July 19-21, 2019
  • Website: link
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Each summer, the town of Wapakoneta hosts a Moon Festival, but this year is a particularly special one. Neil Armstrong’s hometown is pulling out all the stops to celebrate their most beloved citizen’s monumental milestone as the first man on the moon. Enjoy presentations from astronauts, exhibits from NASA, aviation inflatables, free activities, science demonstrations, the Run to the Moon races, and more. A full schedule of events and activities is forthcoming, so keep an eye on the website if that’s where you want to celebrate the Apollo 50th Anniversary.

One Giant Leap Festival – Raleigh, NC

One Giant Leap Festival Banner

Photo credit: North Carolina Museum of History

  • Where: North Carolina Museum of History
  • When: July 20, 2019
  • Website: link

There are possibly no more momentous words spoken in human history: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” 

To mark 50 years since Neil Armstrong spoke those words after his boots touched down on the lunar surface, the North Carolina Museum of History is hosting the One Giant Leap Festival. On July 20th, you can try your hand at hands-on crafts, demonstrations, and activities. You’ll be able to step into a virtual-reality lab where you can “travel” to space and be on the moon and enjoy a bungee-jumping station where you, too, can experience weightlessness, like real astronauts. More details coming soon.

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Apollo 50th Anniversary Flight – Merritt Island, Florida

Go ZeroG Banner

Photo credit: ZERO-G

  • Where: Space Florida’s Launch & Landing Facility
  • When: July 20, 2019
  • Website: link

Curious what it was like on the moon? Here’s your chance to experience it! On July 20th, board the ZERO-G plane for a specialized anniversary flight that will demonstrate the feeling of exploring the moon’s surface by recreating lunar gravity and allowing you to float with the ease of carrying one-sixth your normal body weight (aka moon gravity!). Astronaut Scott Kelly will be aboard the flight to mix and mingle – and (probably) answer all your deep burning space questions.

Moon Landing Anniversary at JGAP – Logan, Ohio

JGAP Apollo 11 Anniversary

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From 4pm to 1am on the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, head to the plaza at John Glenn Astronomy Park (JGAP) to celebrate. As the afternoon turns to evening, learn about the events of the first landing and moonwalk exactly 50 years after they happened – down to the minute. After sunset, stargaze and learn about objects in the sky. Then, when the moon rises, soon after midnight, peer through the JGAP telescope to get a closer look at the place where it all happened.

Space Out Saturday & Landing on the Lawn – Hutchinson, Kansas

Cosmosphere - Apollo 50th Slide

  • Where: Cosmosphere
  • When: July 20, 2019
  • Website: link

Even Midwest space enthusiasts have fun ways to celebrate the Apollo 50th Anniversary! Following their standard Space Out Saturday event (which usually happens on the 3rd Saturday each month), stay for Landing on the Lawn. Bring the whole family and attend a puppet show, lab demos, a Moon “selfie” station, giant lawn games, a showing of the CBS footage of the lunar landing… and loads more! This is perfect for young children to grade school age kids.

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Apollo 11 50th Anniversary – San Francisco, California

Apollo 11 Banner - Exploratorium

  • Where: The Exploratorium
  • When: July 20, 2019
  • Website: link

On July 20th, San Francisco’s Exploratorium science museum will host a day of festivities to mark the lunar landing. Opening at 10am, the museum will stay open until midnight with a chance to view restored footage of the 1969 landing or bask in the glow of a detailed 16-foot spherical sculpture of the moon. There are other events and exhibits that will be on display as part of Moon Month, too.

Destination Moon – Seattle, WA

Museum of the Moon Banner

  • Where: The Museum of Flight
  • When: April 13 – September 2, 2019
  • Website: link
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If you love the moon, head to The Museum of Flight! From now through September 2nd, you can see the Destination Moon exhibit during its only west coast stop. The exhibit includes a giant moon (part of the Museum of the Moon exhibits elsewhere), one-of-a-kind artifacts from the Smithsonian, many flown on the historic mission, plus dozens of NASA and Russian spaceflight additions from the Museum’s renowned collection. The Apollo 11 capsule is also on display. During the weekend of the Apollo 50th anniversary, there will be a festival to mark the lunar landmark.

Flagstaff’s Lunar Legacy – Flagstaff, Arizona

Flagstaff Lunar Legacy Banner

Photo credit: Flagstaff

  • Where: Across Flagstaff
  • When: throughout 2019
  • Website: link

You might not think of Flagstaff as a part of the Apollo lunar program, but it actually was. NASA astronauts including Neil Armstrong, Alan Shepard, Buzz Aldrin, and Jack Schmitt (who hails from Flagstaff) all trained in the craters surrounding Flagstaff. To mark the anniversary year, Flagstaff is hosting lectures and events that focus on moon science, the Apollo missions, and the future of human spaceflight. Check the calendar for full details.

Have you heard of other great Apollo 50th Anniversary Celebrations? Which one do you plan to attend? (Source: )