DMSO is the ultimate OTC pain reliever! DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is a by-product of paper making, It comes from a substance found in woodIt is a clear liquid that has ability to penetrate the skin and other biological membranes.DMSO is an effective pain killer, blocking nerve conduction fibers that produce pain. It reduces inflammation and swelling by reducing inflammatory chemicals. It improves blood supply to an area of injury by dilating blood vessels and increasing delivery of oxygen and by reducing blood platelet stickiness.DMSO also penetrates the skin, the blood-brain barrier, tissues, enterthe bloodstream.Furthermore, DMSO protects the cells from mechanical damage and less of it is needed to achieve results as time passes as oppossed to most pharmaceuticals where increasing doses are required. It has a calming effect in the central nervous system and it reaches all areas of the body, when absorbed through the skin, including the brain.That is, DMSO applied to one area often leads to pain relief in some other location due to its systemic effect. It acts as a carrier for other substances or drugs and it also potentiates their effect. In fact, certain drugs dissolved in DMSO, such as corticoids, antibiotics and insulin, may be used in a lower dose than usual without reducing their therapeutic efficacy and in addition, their undesirable side effects are greatly diminished. Also, drugs are able to pass through the blood-brain barrier which is usually impenetrable.DMSO promotes the excretion of urine and functions as a muscle relaxant. It boosts the immune system, increasing the production of white cells and macrophages that destroy foreign material and pathogens in the body. It also has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. DMSO also increases the permeability of cell membranes, allowing a flushing of toxins from the cell.DMSO has radioprotective properties against lethal and mutagenic effects of X-rays in cells, cellular systems and whole animals. As a source of sulfur, DMSO aids in heavy metal detoxification. Sulfur binds with toxic heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, nickel) and eliminates them via urination, defecation and sweating. A teaspoon of DMSO with distilled water/juice taken daily can improve your overall health. If you like to support me or my channel, you can buy me a coffee here: DMSO products i use or recommend: 1. NO ODOR DMSO Dimethyl sulfoxide liquid 99.9% Pharmaceutical grade, High purity: Friendly reminder flu nasty virus season is here. To keep your family your loved ones to stay healthy during this season we recommend these superior products to boost immune. Note these are the affiliation links which means if you purchase any products through the link I will get a small commission. This is huge support to me and my channel to help me continue to make videos like this to share with you guys. ❤ 😇 Super immune booster we recommend to keep you and your family healthy during this season. 1.Good quality zinc :… 2. It’s crucial to take Vitamin D too especially during winter. Vitamin D we take is with Vitamin K. Vit D3K2:… vitamin D3 helps promote calcium absorption, K2 helps direct the calcium is where it’s needed – like in the bones and teeth, not the arteries ( calcification ) and kidneys( kidney stones!) 11. According to the EPA, water can be contaminated with various types of pollutants that may make it unsafe. Bacteria and parasites:tap water can contain microorganisms like bacteria or parasites that make you sick. Cryptosporidium, E. coli, and Giardia are three harmful organisms that can leak into drinking water through sewage. Chemicals can make their way into drinking water. Pesticides, bleach, and bacterial toxins are some of the potential things that can have harmful Radioactive elements:Radioactive elements chemicals like uranium, cesium, plutonium Heavy metals: like arsenic, mercury, or lead can enter your water supply through plumbing and service lines as well as through natural mineral deposits. Use code: mamanatural to get 5% at check out… Always consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement or nutraceutical. Especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing medical conditions. These are from my own experience and the experience of others and only for educational purpose only. It’s not meant to replace medical advises!
Have you ever heard some insane explanation of an impactful event in the world? That, in simple terms, is a conspiracy theory. As Britannica’s definition states, a conspiracy theory is “an attempt to explain harmful or tragic events as the result of the actions of a small powerful group”. These theories are all over the media and have opened a world of speculation regarding absolutely anything. Conspiracy theories can ridiculously range from the tragic death of, for example, Princess Diana, to suspecting that the Illuminati rule the world.
One of the most intriguing theories I’ve heard of is NASA faking the moon landing: the Moon Landing Hoax. This caught my attention tremendously because this event has had such a huge impact on the world’s and humans’ history, not to mention technology, that it would be appalling if it was actually staged.
Apollo 11 was the name given to the first-ever moon landing mission. This mission happened on July 20th 1969, eight years after President John F. Kennedy had set a national goal to land on the moon before the 1970s. On this mission, there were two American astronauts: Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Well-known Neil Armstrong was the first-ever man to land on the moon; Aldrin followed 19 minutes later. Notoriously, Armstrong said “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”, as he first stepped onto the moon.
Since the 1970s, conspiracy theorists have generated elaborate theories about this event. These stories have insulted all the people who worked hard in order to make the moon landing possible, in addition to all the courageous astronauts who risked their lives travelling into space for us to have more knowledge about the Earth. In 2002, conspiracy theorist Bart Sibrel called Aldrin “a coward and a liar” for staging the landing and the senior astronaut punched him in the face.
But where did it all start? Why do people think it is a hoax? American writer, Bill Kaysing, self-published a book called ‘We Never Went to the Moon: America’s Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle!’ in 1976, which convicts the US government of not being capable of landing on the moon. Kaysing, who used to work in a US space program, believes this because he supposedly accessed results of a secret study by NASA which stated that there was a 0.017% chance of success, meaning the mission was basically hopeless.
In short, moon landing deniers believe that the landing was actually performed in a film studio. The theorists insist that the famous footage holds evidence of the landing being fake. As for every conspiracy, there are some believers and some sceptics, and each will tell you a different side to the story.
As you can see, the flag seems to be waving, which is physically impossible in an environment with zero gravity or wind. This obviously raised the sceptics’ attention. Unfortunately for them, scientists have given the reason why it appears to be moving with the wind. The flag is not actually moving, not in the pictures nor in the video., but It is settling down after being placed, and air resistance makes it slower, so the photo was taken before it had completely settled.
There also appear to be many shadows going in different directions, which is used to prove that there were different light sources, hence the belief that the shadows are cast by studio lights. The believers argue that the sun was low so it distorts the shadows, and if there were multiple light sources there should be more shadows for each object so it wouldn’t make sense.
Furthermore, it is claimed that all the rocks we see in the photos are actually props. There seems to be the shape of a letter C in one of the rocks so it is considered proof that they faked them. This has been debunked by saying that the C doesn’t really appear on the NASA prints. agnified it looks like a hair or an unintentional mark that was transferred onto later copies. In fact, 32kg of moon rock have been collected through other 6 separate missions.
Finally, one of the most popular clues from the pictures is the fact that there are no visible stars. It is obviously common knowledge that the sky is full of stars, and one would assume that in space it would be even clearer, right? But actually, in none of NASA’s photos from the landing can we see stars. Debunkers say that the astronauts took photos focusing on bright white objects, so the technology plus the exposure of the camera would not capture vague or unclear subjects like stars.
There are hundreds of queries that suggest the moon landing was a hoax. Some claims are ridiculous and really step over the line, but some appear reasonable and fair. This is the beauty of all conspiracies. It is really up to everyone’s personal opinion to decide what to believe, but it is interesting to take a look at someone else’s opinions and explore different perspectives. What do you believe is the truth?