There is ample evidence to support that Apollo 11 moon landing was real and theories behind fake-moon landing has been debunked time and again.On July 20, 1969, the Apollo 11 Lunar Module landed on the Moon. Many people believe the U.S. government, desperate to beat the Russians in the space race, faked the lunar landing, with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin acting out their mission on a secret film set, located high in the Hollywood Hills. A key feature of the moon-hoax idea is that the Apollo 11 astronauts’ photographs don’t look right. For example, conspiracy theorists questioned where the stars were in the photo, the shadows in the photo did not seem right, and the American flag looked like it was moving due to the wind. However, History released an article where it debunked each claim. Moon-hoaxers also claim that the U.S had the technology to create the landing in a studio at the time because 2001: A Space Odyssey had come out a year before and showed realistic footage of a studio-simulated space. However, ‘Adam Ruins Everything’ released a video in 2017 explaining why that wasn’t true and refuted each claim. Vox reported that moon-landing conspiracy theories started when ‘We Never Went to the Moon’ was published in 1976 by Bill Kaysing. He is widely considered the father of moon landing hoax theories. He claimed that in the early 1960s when he had worked as a technical writer for Rocketdyne, a rocket design and production company, and the job had given him access to documents proving that the Apollo mission was a hoax. However, theories put forward by people claiming that moon landing was a hoax have been debunked time and again. The Washington Post released an article in 2019, on the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. They reported that NASA spokesman Allard Beutel issued a statement saying a significant amount of evidence exists to support that NASA landed 12 astronauts on the Moon from 1969-1972. He also specified some of that evidence, including that NASA has 842 pounds of astronaut-collected Moon rocks studied by scientists worldwide for decades, one can still bounce Earth-based lasers off the retroreflector mirrors placed on the lunar surface by the Apollo astronauts and NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter imaged the landing sites in 2011. This conspiracy theory has been making rounds for several years, but it is baseless and false.