Yahoo News UK•March 19, 2019
Well, did they fake it?
In America, 21 million people believe that the moon landings were faked – despite pictures from NASA space telescopes clearly showing flags left by the Apollo missions.
This week, Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton asked astronaut Doug Hubley directly if the landings were faked.
He said, ‘I guess it’s a touchy point, but the big question is … there’s the theories that you didn’t land on the moon. So… why would people have that theory?’, Jalopnik reported.
Hurley said that it would been harder to fake the landings than to actually do them.
He said, ‘I’ve always maintained that it would’ve been harder to fake it and hide it.
‘It just takes one person to go spill. … I had people in my own family that thought we faked it and then they came and watch me go fly in space.’
The idea that the moon landings were faked actually came from rocket expert, Bill Kaysing, a technical writer who self-published a book called ‘We Never Went to the Moon: America’s Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle.’
Many of the supposed ‘giveaways’ still touted by moon truthers today come from Kaysing’s book, according to author C Stuart Hardwick.
Hardwick says, ‘The first person to give real voice to moon hoax conspira-nonesense was Bill Kaysing, a technical writer who had worked for Rocketdyne until 1963.
‘Why? It’s unclear. He was not obviously insane, but he was obviously unqualified to express the opinions he was expressing. My guess is, technical writing with objective criteria didn’t suit him, and pretending expertise to a bunch of ignorant sycophants fuelled his ego.
Kaysing misused his ‘expertise’ as a technical writer to create the impression the missions were faked, Hardwick says – but ignored any facts that got in the way.
Hardwick says, ‘He made a large number of idiotic claims that in fact only demonstrated his ignorance and paranoia. For example, he claimed (without evidence) that the mighty F1 engine was wholly unreliable and so NASA was forced to cover that up by welding clusters of proven B-1 engines inside the F1 engine bell in order to simulate a lunar mission by launching a (presumably mostly empty) Saturn V that could never leave orbit.
‘The F1 engines from some of the missions he was talking about (including Apollo 11) have been recovered from the sea floor, and are clearly unmodified F1 engines.’